Now each user gets her own folder inside the S3 bucket, we can now upload files from our application front-end and validate the access.
function getUserId(){
const key = `aws.cognito.identity-id.${identityPoolId}`;
function uploadFile(){
var files = document.getElementById("file-upload").files;
if (!files.length) {
return alert("Please choose a file to upload.");
var file = files[0];
var fileName =;
var fileKey = `users/${getUserId()}/${fileName}`;
var upload = new AWS.S3.ManagedUpload({
params: {
Bucket: S3DocBucket,
Key: fileKey,
Body: file
.then((data) => {
// file uploaded
},(err) => {
// error uploading the file
AWS S3 is an Object Storage service. Unlike the regular file system, S3 stores the data in a different way, and you can consider it's a Key/Value store as well. In the above example, we are uploading a file with Key=users/<userId>/filename and Value=<file data>.